What is Crypto Currency mining? And how can I participate?
People ask me what I do for a living all of the time. I let them know that I mine cryptocurrency. They ask me what that means, so I have explained it in a few short slides. See below. I literally make money 24/7 just by mining cryptocurrency. I learned a long time ago, if you want to become financially successful, find someone who is and emulate what they do. I am HANDING IT TO YOU ALL ON A PLATTER!!! This is REAL people, Real as the day is long. Blockchain Technology is spreading everywhere and those of us who recognize and take advantage of it, we continue to be blessed by making money 24/7. No 9-5 jobs or punch cards for us. Quit the Rat Race and join crypto mining. This is not rocket science, but it is financial freedom! All Members with a Nexus global Mining Contract are literally making money every time our algorithms confirm a transaction on the Blockchain. I made money while typing in this short message. DID YOU? You did if you are a Nexus Global Member with mining packs No machines to purchase or store. So what is Cryptocurrency Mining? Cryptocurrency mining, or cryptomining, is a process in which transactions for various forms of cryptocurrency are verified and added to the blockchain digital ledger. Also known as cryptocoin mining, altcoin mining, or Bitcoin mining (for the most popular form of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin), cryptocurrency mining has increased both as a topic and activity as cryptocurrency usage itself has grown exponentially in the last few years. Each time a cryptocurrency transaction is made, a cryptocurrency miner is responsible for ensuring the authenticity of information and updating the blockchain with the transaction. The mining process itself involves competing with other cryptominers to solve complicated mathematical problems with cryptographic hash functions that are associated with a block containing the transaction data. The first cryptocurrency miner to crack the code is rewarded by being able to authorize the transaction, and in return for the service provided, cryptominers earn small amounts of cryptocurrency of their own. In order to be competitive with other cryptominers, though, a cryptocurrency miner needs a computer with specialized hardware. Just 4 millions bitcoins are left to mine. This is where Nexus Global Mining comes in. IMAGINE owning your own hash power and receiving weekly payouts based on the performance of mining computers performing with artificial intelligence and at a very high level to allow you to receive optimal mining pay outs week after week after week... Now imagine doing this without the need to purchase expensive mining rigs and having to learn how to manage them all on your own. Join here: 👇👇 http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 I am now making over $2K/month in residual income after just 1 months start and the cool thing is that it keeps increasing weekly. Thank you BLOCKCHAIN and MINING I can sit back and enjoy from my residual income. Get with me and I will teach you how to also make a residual income just by mining on the blockchain. Join here: 👇👇 http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 Nexus Global offers more than only Crypto mining. We are paying 30% more than any other company. Read below the concept of Nexus Global: 👇👇 ⬇⬇⬇⬇ *NEXUS GLOBAL*💣💣💥💥 COMPANY PROFILE ============= Nexus Global is a Cryptocurrency Mining company based in Germany and has its mining farms in China and Finland. 👏👏 Nexus global is a sustainable and transparent Mining company with the first worldwide MultiWallet with 8 business portfolios in one platform.💲💥 8 BUSINESS PORTFOLIOS 👌👌 ================= 1. Crypto Mining (high hash rate distribution) 2. Own Exchange (USD/GBP/EUR) 3. Crypto trading (automated) 4. ICO/IPO(E-Sport-ico) 5. Crypto Casino 6. Binary options 7. Crypto online betting 8. Forex trading (automated)
MINING PACKAGES ============= Package Hashrate 50$ - - - - - - 200GH/s 100$ - - - - - - 400GH/s 500$ - - - - - - 2000GH/s 1000$ - - - - - - 4000GH/s 3000$ - - - - - - 12000GH/s 5000$ - - - - - - 20000GH/s 7500$ - - - - - - 30000GH/s 10000$ - - - - - - 40000GH/s 15000$ - - - - - - - 60000GH/s 25000$ - - - - - - - 100000GH/s 50000$ - - - - - - - 200000GH/s How much can I earn with a mining pack? You will get back your see within in 8 or 9 months. To calculate daily payout on any package, enter the hashrate of the package you want to purchase into the following tool to estimate potential earnings :👇👇 https://www.cryptocompare.com/mining/calculator/ Set power consumption to 👉👉zero. 💲profits vary as Bitcoin price moves. With the current price (approx. 8,000$) you will double your investment in 24 months. Bitcoin price is expected to grow this year which will increase your potential profits.💲💣💥 COMPENSATION PLAN ================ 👉🏿 *Direct Referral* 10% direct referral commissions on your downlines who purchase any package. 👉🏿 *Binary bonus* (left&right legs) 10% paid weekly 👉🏿 *Unilevel bonus* 2% to 0.1% upto 8 generations 👉🏿 *Matching bonus* 5% to 0.05% upto 6 generations paid weekly. 👉🏿 *Rank achievement bonus* $400,1000$,2000$,200,000$ to $500,000. Leadership and Rank bonus based on points achieved. MINING CONTRACT.💲💲 ============= Mining contracts starts counting with a daily bitcoin payouts.💲💲 Note that it is only the daily payouts that are paid in real bitcoin but other commissions are paid in dollars on your dashboard. Everyone comes in as an investor in mining and earn in binary while you choose one or all the remaining 7 products to invest in and earn in Unilevel with any amount of money invested . Nexus global has 2 markets for investors, World 1( high income countries) which investors can only start with $500 package and World 2( low income countries) which investors can only start with $50 package. PAYMENT METHOD ============= 🎯 BITCOIN 🎯ETHEREUM 🎯LITECOIN 🎯DASH 🎯PERFECT MONEY 🎯SWIFT 🎯VISA/MASTER CARD VALUE FROM NEXUS GLOBAL ==================== Now bitcoin is a store of value and so getting daily payout in bitcoin from Nexus global is awesome. The summary of the simple business presentations up is that when you buy a mining package from nexus global you will be getting daily bitcoin as payout in your account.💲💲 *REGISTERATION AND ACCOUNT ACTIVATION* ====================== ➡Click on the link 👇👇to register for your top spot position in nexus global. 👉👉http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 Make sure to verify your account after registration from the email sent to your mail. ‼‼‼‼‼ Now follow this step by step guide to complete your registration process 👇👇👇
*Guide step by step How fill personal details.* GO TO www.nexus.global 1. Login 2. My account 3. Profile 4. in the end of form, you need put your BTC wallet and click in "Request: Security Token To Email" 5. Then go your email account and copy the token code and past in field "Security Token " 6. Save. *Guide Step by Step How to Fund wallet?* 1. Login 2. Finance 3. Deposit Wallet 4. Fill the amount in $ 5. Choose Processor BTC or Bank Deposit 6. Click button "Deposit" *Guide Step by Step How to purchase packages?* 1. login 2. Mining Packages 3. Purchase 4. Choose Pack and Purchas e Using this Wallet "Deposit Wallet" 5 Click button "Pay" 6. Confirm "Your transaction proceed successfully" *Guide step by step How to setup the Balance between legs?* 1. Login 2. Network 3. Binary Tree 4. Automatic Leg Build Setup : Choose Left / Right Leg - According in each Leg you want fill. 5. Save What are you waiting for? Come and join the rest of us who are enjoying this fantastic ride!!! Earning daily in bitcoin. 👇👇 http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 Regards: Nexus global topleader HOANG CAO THE whatsapp +84983665679
♻️ Youtobe: https://youtu.be/anFGFkiRaFQ
♻️ Group Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CryptoProject/
♻️ Group Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/D1kkvw3bvBauNH0B5GQOFA
People ask me what I do for a living all of the time. I let them know that I mine cryptocurrency. They ask me what that means, so I have explained it in a few short slides. See below. I literally make money 24/7 just by mining cryptocurrency. I learned a long time ago, if you want to become financially successful, find someone who is and emulate what they do. I am HANDING IT TO YOU ALL ON A PLATTER!!! This is REAL people, Real as the day is long. Blockchain Technology is spreading everywhere and those of us who recognize and take advantage of it, we continue to be blessed by making money 24/7. No 9-5 jobs or punch cards for us. Quit the Rat Race and join crypto mining. This is not rocket science, but it is financial freedom! All Members with a Nexus global Mining Contract are literally making money every time our algorithms confirm a transaction on the Blockchain. I made money while typing in this short message. DID YOU? You did if you are a Nexus Global Member with mining packs No machines to purchase or store. So what is Cryptocurrency Mining? Cryptocurrency mining, or cryptomining, is a process in which transactions for various forms of cryptocurrency are verified and added to the blockchain digital ledger. Also known as cryptocoin mining, altcoin mining, or Bitcoin mining (for the most popular form of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin), cryptocurrency mining has increased both as a topic and activity as cryptocurrency usage itself has grown exponentially in the last few years. Each time a cryptocurrency transaction is made, a cryptocurrency miner is responsible for ensuring the authenticity of information and updating the blockchain with the transaction. The mining process itself involves competing with other cryptominers to solve complicated mathematical problems with cryptographic hash functions that are associated with a block containing the transaction data. The first cryptocurrency miner to crack the code is rewarded by being able to authorize the transaction, and in return for the service provided, cryptominers earn small amounts of cryptocurrency of their own. In order to be competitive with other cryptominers, though, a cryptocurrency miner needs a computer with specialized hardware. Just 4 millions bitcoins are left to mine. This is where Nexus Global Mining comes in. IMAGINE owning your own hash power and receiving weekly payouts based on the performance of mining computers performing with artificial intelligence and at a very high level to allow you to receive optimal mining pay outs week after week after week... Now imagine doing this without the need to purchase expensive mining rigs and having to learn how to manage them all on your own. Join here: 👇👇 http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 I am now making over $2K/month in residual income after just 1 months start and the cool thing is that it keeps increasing weekly. Thank you BLOCKCHAIN and MINING I can sit back and enjoy from my residual income. Get with me and I will teach you how to also make a residual income just by mining on the blockchain. Join here: 👇👇 http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 Nexus Global offers more than only Crypto mining. We are paying 30% more than any other company. Read below the concept of Nexus Global: 👇👇 ⬇⬇⬇⬇ *NEXUS GLOBAL*💣💣💥💥 COMPANY PROFILE ============= Nexus Global is a Cryptocurrency Mining company based in Germany and has its mining farms in China and Finland. 👏👏 Nexus global is a sustainable and transparent Mining company with the first worldwide MultiWallet with 8 business portfolios in one platform.💲💥 8 BUSINESS PORTFOLIOS 👌👌 ================= 1. Crypto Mining (high hash rate distribution) 2. Own Exchange (USD/GBP/EUR) 3. Crypto trading (automated) 4. ICO/IPO(E-Sport-ico) 5. Crypto Casino 6. Binary options 7. Crypto online betting 8. Forex trading (automated)
MINING PACKAGES ============= Package Hashrate 50$ - - - - - - 200GH/s 100$ - - - - - - 400GH/s 500$ - - - - - - 2000GH/s 1000$ - - - - - - 4000GH/s 3000$ - - - - - - 12000GH/s 5000$ - - - - - - 20000GH/s 7500$ - - - - - - 30000GH/s 10000$ - - - - - - 40000GH/s 15000$ - - - - - - - 60000GH/s 25000$ - - - - - - - 100000GH/s 50000$ - - - - - - - 200000GH/s How much can I earn with a mining pack? You will get back your see within in 8 or 9 months. To calculate daily payout on any package, enter the hashrate of the package you want to purchase into the following tool to estimate potential earnings :👇👇 https://www.cryptocompare.com/mining/calculator/ Set power consumption to 👉👉zero. 💲profits vary as Bitcoin price moves. With the current price (approx. 8,000$) you will double your investment in 24 months. Bitcoin price is expected to grow this year which will increase your potential profits.💲💣💥 COMPENSATION PLAN ================ 👉🏿 *Direct Referral* 10% direct referral commissions on your downlines who purchase any package. 👉🏿 *Binary bonus* (left&right legs) 10% paid weekly 👉🏿 *Unilevel bonus* 2% to 0.1% upto 8 generations 👉🏿 *Matching bonus* 5% to 0.05% upto 6 generations paid weekly. 👉🏿 *Rank achievement bonus* $400,1000$,2000$,200,000$ to $500,000. Leadership and Rank bonus based on points achieved. MINING CONTRACT.💲💲 ============= Mining contracts starts counting with a daily bitcoin payouts.💲💲 Note that it is only the daily payouts that are paid in real bitcoin but other commissions are paid in dollars on your dashboard. Everyone comes in as an investor in mining and earn in binary while you choose one or all the remaining 7 products to invest in and earn in Unilevel with any amount of money invested . Nexus global has 2 markets for investors, World 1( high income countries) which investors can only start with $500 package and World 2( low income countries) which investors can only start with $50 package. PAYMENT METHOD ============= 🎯 BITCOIN 🎯ETHEREUM 🎯LITECOIN 🎯DASH 🎯PERFECT MONEY 🎯SWIFT 🎯VISA/MASTER CARD VALUE FROM NEXUS GLOBAL ==================== Now bitcoin is a store of value and so getting daily payout in bitcoin from Nexus global is awesome. The summary of the simple business presentations up is that when you buy a mining package from nexus global you will be getting daily bitcoin as payout in your account.💲💲 *REGISTERATION AND ACCOUNT ACTIVATION* ====================== ➡Click on the link 👇👇to register for your top spot position in nexus global. 👉👉http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 Make sure to verify your account after registration from the email sent to your mail. ‼‼‼‼‼ Now follow this step by step guide to complete your registration process 👇👇👇
*Guide step by step How fill personal details.* GO TO www.nexus.global 1. Login 2. My account 3. Profile 4. in the end of form, you need put your BTC wallet and click in "Request: Security Token To Email" 5. Then go your email account and copy the token code and past in field "Security Token " 6. Save. *Guide Step by Step How to Fund wallet?* 1. Login 2. Finance 3. Deposit Wallet 4. Fill the amount in $ 5. Choose Processor BTC or Bank Deposit 6. Click button "Deposit" *Guide Step by Step How to purchase packages?* 1. login 2. Mining Packages 3. Purchase 4. Choose Pack and Purchas e Using this Wallet "Deposit Wallet" 5 Click button "Pay" 6. Confirm "Your transaction proceed successfully" *Guide step by step How to setup the Balance between legs?* 1. Login 2. Network 3. Binary Tree 4. Automatic Leg Build Setup : Choose Left / Right Leg - According in each Leg you want fill. 5. Save What are you waiting for? Come and join the rest of us who are enjoying this fantastic ride!!! Earning daily in bitcoin. 👇👇 http://members.nexus.global/?u=VIETNAM01 Regards: Nexus global topleader HOANG CAO THE whatsapp +84983665679

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